EXAM PREP--Exams not mentioned have no prep required

​**Pelvic Ultrasound:     Please arrive with a full bladder.  40 ounces of water about 40 minutes before you arrive usually will be fine.  Arrival without a full bladder will result in rescheduling of your exam.

**OB 1st trimester Ultrasound:   Please arrive with a full bladder.  40 ounces of water about 40 minutes before you arrive usually will be fine.  Arrival without a full bladder will result in rescheduling of your exam.

**Abdominal Ultrasound:    Nothing to eat or drink (except for water) 12 hours prior to exam.

**HSG:   No prep for exam.  Should be scheduled between day 6-11 of your cycle.  Exam may create cramping similar to what you might feel during your menstrual cycle.  Taking ibuprofen, tylenol, motrin or any other pain reliver an hour prior to your exam can help alleviate any cramping.  Not required and only take if you toletate the medicines.

**Mammogram:   Please arrive wearing a two piece outfit.  No deodorants, perfumes or lotions.  If you wear the previous listed items, we will provide you with a wipe to remove them prior to the exam.